Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Facing It"

Most people say men who cry or show emotion are weak. The societies we live in have a major interest and rewards men for the heroism that are known to only relate to them. Every show we on television, movie and other media outlets always refers to emotional men as being womanly as if having emotions is only a trait carried by women. I commend Komunyakaa for his work; here he is an African American male writing about breaking down at this monument for past Vietnam members. Let’s face it; we can fight for equality till the end of time but that chauvinistic idea that men are so strong and superior to the opposite sex is one idea that will always remain on or beneath the surface.  After all we know and have probably witnessed in the behaviors of these macho men I beg to differ with this men are not supposed to cry or show emotion idea, don’t you agree?

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